I made a huge mistake last week. I talked to a guy my friend told me not to. She is completely in love with him, and she didn't want me to speak with him unless she was arround to monitor the conversation. I just wanted to get to know him...this guy who so easily won my best friend's affections. I wanted to see what kind of guy he was and i was interested in how he felt about my dearest friend.
Now, though, it seems as if I made a terrible mistake. My friendship with the most wonderful person I've ever known has been changed...in the blink of an eye. I don't know what to do or how to fix what I've done. My friend and I now have a huge wieght hanging over our relationship.
I've apologized, and I explained that my motives were purely innocent, but things have definitely changed. I don't think anything will ever be the same for me and my dearest friend. It sucks that I can't take back what I did with the purest motives. I wish I could just go back in time and change it. I love my friend like a sister, but I may have screwed our friendship up forever.